THE VOID – Bridging the gap, one conclave at a time!!

Everyone is talking, but who exactly is listening???
Power is gained by sharing knowledge, not hoarding it.

When was the last time you listened without interrupting? Spoke without being judged? Heard not to reply but to truly register information? Shared anything without expecting validation? Honestly expressed something without any ulterior motives? Put forth your ideas without the fear of it being nitpicked by your own friends or relatives? Can’t remember?
In the recent past, there’s been one particular word that has been misused and exploited and played over and over again all around us. So much so, that we have actually forgotten the true meaning of the word and now only use it in the context fed to us by people backing their own silly causes. What is the word you ask?


Think about it. How twisted and worn out this word has become. We are so busy in sharing anything and everything that we completely overlook the basic questions “What are you sharing?” and “Why are you sharing it?” Does anyone need to know this? Does anyone benefit from this information? Is it of any emotional, intellectual or artistic value? Does have it any character or long term reach?
Where are honest conversations between old friends? Whatever happened to bouncing ideas with teachers and mentors? Why are we hoarding useless details and not registering real concepts? The gap between people who are willing to impart genuine thoughts and notions and the people who want to accept these, is increasing day by day. The void is so gaping and large that it threatens to suck in totality, honest and meaningful communication and thus create people with shallow mindsets and no individuality.

Everyone is talking, but who exactly is listening???
Everyone is talking, but who exactly is listening???

In an honest attempt to defeat this vacuum, we as a community of designers have come together to rekindle spirited discussions about real topics. Our main objective is to indulge in uninhibited chatter which spark crazy ideas, create roller coasters of emotion and have conversations with substance. As designers, we have always been silent people who talk a lot. Our thoughts come across not as words bonded together in a sentence but in our impressions, in art, in motifs, in patterns and materials. We seek people who share a similar wave length to come together and participate in dialogues about books, art, fashion, creative writing, architecture and design, movies, anything you can imagine. We encourage “Sharing” of sincere experiences, true knowledge about whatever your craft may be, inspiring stories, stimulating notions about design and life which trigger imaginations and dreams.
Connect – Convey – Communicate

 The Void is a small step towards a broader idea. An idea to expand mindsets, a rally to restore the true meaning of sharing amongst youngsters, an endeavor to create an open platform among people from all walks of life, without any preconceptions or notions, without any age limits, to come together and direct energies into something useful, to talk about stuff that really matters and to instill in the minds of yet unmolded kids that knowledge only increases when shared.
No long discourses. No lengthy monologues. Honest, interactive ideas!!!

Everyone you will ever meet, knows something you don’t. – Bill Nye

Come to think of it, everything in this world is an output of design. From a pencil to a large crane, from living to non-living things, even a small stitch or a giant sky scraper, everything stems from design. It is omnipresent and a concept essential to our survival and existence. As designers, you therefore get this incredible super power (read responsibility) to affect people’s lives. From Fashion designers, graphic designers, interior designers, multimedia artists, photographers, jewelry designers, crockery makers, car designers, book editors, illustrators, cartoonists, directors, animators, everyone has a huge part to play in shaping up the world we live in. Let’s just say that the world would be fragmented had designers been absent from it. “The Void” creates a stage for all the people in the design clique and for everyone who wishes to join it, to convey feelings, incidents and tales. To just rant or crib, to ask questions and gain clarity, and to increase your knowledge bank about the new and evolving advancements in the vast field of design.

In the words of Elon Musk, “If we’re all in a ship together,” and the ship has some holes in it and we have a great design for a bucket, then even if we’re bailing out water way better than everyone else, we should probably still share the bucket design.”


Put thoughts into words!!!

We make it a point to invite architects, artists, craftsmen, curators, writers etc. regularly to hold seminars and have heart to heart discussions with young aspiring designers and creative minds. We encourage informal forums and allow all mediums and forms of expression to convey knowledge.
Let’s pledge to fill this void, one conclave at a time and to save the dying human trait of honest face to face communication and handing down of new and old knowledge. Join us every week at Cindrebay Interior Design Institute Nagpur, to participate in events and talks curated especially for you! Don’t be afraid to speak your mind, to express your honest take on the topics, to ask ridiculous questions, to challenge the entire argument, to spark a debate, to evaluate information or to seek knowledge.

“Remember, not everything can be learned from books.”



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