Positive energy spaces – decor that brings good vibes


The last few months have been very hard for the whole World. Dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic, being away from friends and loved ones, losing jobs and staying indoors for months on end has taken a heavy toll on our physical and mental peace. The long hours at home can also be challenging especially in India, where crowded neighborhoods, lack of balconies/ terraces/ gardens can seriously restrict movement and interaction with nature. As the end of this pandemic is nowhere near in sight, it’s upto us to work on filling our spaces with positive energy to maintain our sanity. Today, I bring you some creative home decor that will bring some good vibes. These are fun and easy to do, something to keep you busy and the results are worth it!

Terrariums / Miniature garden

I have always been a staunch advocate of greenery and indoor plants. They add a lively touch to any space and fill the house with positive energy. Terrariums are a great way to introduce small planters and succulents in your home. They make for an interesting activity, fill your home with clean air naturally as well as give you something to take care of i.e. be busy.

The cost of making a terrarium or a miniature garden is quite low and there is no lack of ideas on the internet. One can start with old glass bottles (think pickle, jam, sauce bottles, mason jars etc), fill them up with stones (big/small/mixed), potting soil and your favorite plants. You can get creative with decorating it with easily available things in your house, for eg. twigs, ice-cream sticks, old wood pieces, a small lamp, old toys, etc. Miniature gardens are a great way to decorate your homes or balconies. Moreover, old broken pots which we think as useless, could be repurposed to make an amazing addition to your garden. Grow small herbs, succulents like Jade plants, cactus, flowers or any other plants of your choice. A short trip to the nursery or a nearby garden is all you need to add these wonderful decors of positive energy to your home.

Candles / Lamps

Fresh smells, fragrances or scented candles are mood lifters. Plus, making them is so easy and fun. Candle making is a creative and fulfilling activity. The results are gorgeous and wax is a good material to experiment with as it allows leeway for trial and error. Interesting shapes, colors and patterns are easy to achieve with wax. Moreover, candles make for beautiful centre pieces or decor and also have a dynamic quality as they melt.

There are thousands of variations which one can try at home when it comes to candles. The basic votive candles which can be found in every household, old glass jars or plastic bottles and wax crayons is all the raw material you need. Layered candles with different colors, basic votive candles, container candles, frosted or ice candles and fancy candles in shapes like pastries, macarons, cactus etc. are worth a try.

Inspiration can be found in every day things. Indulging in creative activities like gardening, planting, candle making, painting, arts and craft is a great way to keep yourself motivated and occupied. Activities like these also gives one new perspectives in the sense that you reduce wastage, see molds or up-cycled craft in everything, manage time well and learn to care for things. Efforts made to create something yourself will always guarantee happiness and satisfaction. During this time when stores are shut and money saved is money earned, these handmade creative things prove to be great gifts for loved ones. Improving your skill sets while decorating your home might be a great investment of time while the world is locked indoors. I hope you found some much needed inspiration in the examples above. We, at Cindrebay wish for sound physical and mental health for all our students, staff and readers.


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