Breaking down interior design mistakes


Getting a space, especially a home designed or renovated is a big deal for a lot of us. Everyone has their own dreams and ideas about their ideal personal space and they want to see these dreams take shape. However, many a times, people face challenges while getting their space done, and this can result in frustration and lack of satisfaction of the final output. SO, before starting this entire process, how can we make sure that everything goes according to plan and we achieve the space of our dreams? To answer this question, I have put together a list of things which usually go wrong and simple solutions to avoid them. This is not a guarantee list, and maybe I missed a couple more points, but maybe this can save some of you, a lot of hassle and help you avoid some traps. 

1. Not hiring an Interior Designer

No matter how big or small the space is, if the outcome in mind is something special, I suggest you hire a designer. An interior designer has thorough knowledge of how a space should function and look. They have professional expertise and can help you make the most of your space, technically, aesthetically and functionally. Not only that, they can make proper drawings and 3d views to help you get better insight of your space and how it can look, how much time it will take, the cost estimate. Designers also help clients chose materials best suited for their needs and budget, fittings, furniture, soft furnishings, colors, fabrics, decor etc. They often know the best dealers and can help you strike good deals with tiles, curtains, furniture, labour  etc. and can suggest the best options in your taste and budget.

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Some people hold the opinion that hiring a designer is extra money which can be saved. However, repairing mistakes, saving on deals, getting expert advice, and elevating work efficiency are some of the many benefits of hiring an expert. Sometimes, people make the mistake of taking the job upon themselves, and realize midway that they have made a series of mistakes. After that, they bring on the interior designer or architect, when its already too late or becomes to expensive or losses have already been incurred. Let designers do their jobs.

2. Getting Influenced by the Internet

There are a lot of websites like Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google where people usually look for interior design inspiration. Its a very good way to get new ideas, innovative design inspiration and its easy to pin and share to get a glance of the style or the trend you like. Many designers tend to use it too, to grasp the client’s taste, get an understanding of their choices or to show them a variety of options by compiling pictures from the internet. Having said that, it is my opinion that these websites should serve as inspiration and not as a catalogue for your interior design. Every space should be treated differently, and ideas from the internet should be ideas which are applied to the space and not copied without context. 


Sometimes, copying and pasting designs, or patterns or styles can look very out of scale or context if not executed properly or is unsuited to the site. So tread carefully and don’t get influenced by the internet. Unrealistic ideas if tried to fit, can somehow result in very awkward spaces. 

3. Leaping before Thinking

Interior Design is expensive and renovating a space can cost you a handsome amount. It is thus important to think before buying. Impulsive purchases are not advised! Often, people also make the mistake of buying stuff over the years, saving it for one space later, but later on these items purchased over a period of time, don’t go along and prove a waste. People sometimes also hoard up on sales to buy cheap furniture or decor, and these unthought of purchases haunt them later, or rot for years. 


Ofcourse, making a calculated list of what you need and if it will match, look good, fit in the space, is good quality and budget efficient, and buying these when available on sale is a great idea. But, be sure to take your time and think about these choices and do some research before putting your money in bad investments.

4. Trying way too Hard

We have one space. We will put everything in it. NO.

Not everything fits in one space, not everything goes in one space, not everything matches, functions or looks good in one space. So slow down on excess furniture, excess patterns or colors, excess artefacts or paintings and excess everything. Striking the right balance to create a useful space, with plenty of room, furniture, storage and character is an art. Be picky with the decor and the amount of it. 

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5. Lacking the Feel

A house becomes a home not just with good design, but with the right ingredients for a home. What I’m trying to say is, aspire for a warm comforting home than a picture in a magazine kind of home. Adding the soft feels in terms of personal character is what its all about, the warm touch. Houses which look and feel like displays in a museum aren’t very comfortable.

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Develop the design and make it your own by adding colorful pieces over the years, changing the drapes, photographs, pillows, lights etc. The smaller details are easier to forget, but they make all the difference. Adding a classic timepiece on the wall, a vase of fresh flowers, a funny quote on the desk or books in a shelf are important touches to a great space.


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