Bonito Designs – Survival of the Hardworking and Gutsy!


Home is where the Heart is, but the Indian mentality forces us to create homes to impress others. “When guests come to our house, they should stare in awe!” is what most clients brief their designers. However, our home is our abode, our safe haven and it should speak more about our character than just be a museum for others to admire. This is the philosophy exuded by the young, gutsy group of interior designers from Bonito Designs, Bangalore.
Vathsala, Sameer and Rickson, three dedicated young professionals founded Bonito Designs in 2012 in Bangalore. A former Hometown employee and designer, Ms. Vathsala C R, found that there were many loopholes and dirth of customer satisfaction when they wanted to create their homes and spaces. Not every client knows what they want, not every client gets what he’s looking for. This was the case of the entire interior design industry and the goal of client contentment was far from reach. After having done a few projects on her own, Vathsala ranted about these problems to her App developer friend Mr. Sameer Mulla, who was then working with Motorola. Toying with the idea of a Design start-up, Sameer designed a website showcasing a few of Vathsala’s project, and that’s when the dream started taking shape.
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When one sets out to create a space, there are a million aspects they have to deal with. Furniture, lighting, equipment, labours, designers, contractors, artisans, vendors etc. Clients who have no prior experience dealing with these many agencies, get confused, hassled and sometimes cheated. They spend a lot of money, trying to build the house of their dreams, but in the end, the product turns out to be something they did not have in mind. This is where Interior Designers and Turnkey Developers come in. Knowing the entire family, their tastes, their likes and dislikes, quirks and habits and then fashioning a house they would love is what an Interior designer’s job is all about.
The entire idea of Bonito Designs was to simplify the design process for their customers. Coupled with the ability to design, and forming a team of skilled labours, craftsmen, carpenters, builders and contractors who strive to make the design a living reality is the herculean task turnkey professionals undertake. This simplifies the entire process for a family, who need only give their housekeys and their trust to the designers, and watch their dream unfold right in front of their eyes while avoiding all the hassle.
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Needless to say, Bonito found their niche in the competitive Bangalore market and their achievements speak for them. Started in 2012, and in a matter of 6 years, Bonito has designed and completed over 500 residence interiors and earned the love of a lot of happy customers. Their work is elegant, refined and has a homely charm. Like most designers, Bonito hasn’t made the mistake of sticking to one signature style and repeating it everywhere, infact they have churned out a lot of different bespoke interiors boasting of their variable qualities and design competence.
It is heart warming to see a bunch of hardworking and gutsy youngsters, who made it big on their own terms. Even when they faced pressure from society to stick to a “settled life”, or from their parents to do “conventional jobs” or rejections from clients or trouble from vendors and labours, they held on to their dreams and worked tirelessly to make it possible. Started from a small 1500 sq ft office in Bangalore, today they are the proud owners of a sprawling 12000 sq ft office in the same city, the result of their toil and sweat. We salute the daring of these three youngsters and hope they inspire more people to make their own path and chose design as their calling!
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