Taking the metallic route in Interior Design


Metal is a popular material choice for space designers. It is one trend which has withstood the test of time – both in terms of style and durability. Iron, steel, gold, bronze, copper or silver – metals can add a glossy touch and elevate the look of any space. It is a versatile material and can be employed in spatial design in a number of ways. Yet, I find that using metal finishes in subtle ways brings the best effect and doesn’t overpower the space. Here are some intelligent ideas to use metal in interior design!


Metal furniture is one of the simplest ways to incorporate the material in any space. Metal chairs are easily available and have a made a huge comeback as a ruling design trend. Most hip cafes and bars jumped on the trend and it is still going. Metallic chairs in bright or even neon colors with throw pillows or cushions ruled the roost for quite sometime. These are affordable, light weight, easily available with a long shelf life.

Although, if you find metal chairs too uncomfortable for a living environment, metal supports in tables or chairs is a stylish and much more comfortable way of incorporating the material. The combination of black metal and wood imparts a contemporary modern to any space.

Black coated metal partitions can be used to achieve a dark, rustic and industrial look to a space. At the same time, if combined with light wood or glass – this can be a perfect fit for an office or retail environment. The examples below showcase how the same material can help reach two very different outcomes.

Exposed metal pipes painted black or in different colors is another inventive and affordable way to inculcate the material. This industrial and modern contemporary design idea comes out unique every single time and can be used on walls, ceilings or suspended. It adds the glossy metal touch without creating uncomfortable seating situations.

Metal pipe shelves also look great on any surface – brick, wood or plaster and become a great porous storage. Easy to fix and easy on the eyes – this is one of my favorite ways to use metal in a cheap and functional way.


Another softer and classy option is metal in white finish. This gives a more timeless glam to a space. Be it living, retail or office spaces – white metal surfaces bring the required gloss without overshadowing other elements.


Bronze or copper glossy finish is a million dollar look which can be easily achieved. This is also a brilliant way to upcycle old metal furniture. A copper or gold glossy finish adds richness to a space and stands out best in a monochrome or neutral toned room. When using metal, what I find helpful is to create a storyline or theme. So, the idea could be to have metal pipes – now use the metal pipes in furniture legs, metal pipes in artefacts or wall hangings, exposed metal pipes in services and so on. Another theme could be in color – using a repetition of copper surfaces in a flooring band, lamps or even the bathroom. This makes design decisions a lot easier and ensures a cap limit.

Fixtures and fittings, for instance lamps, door handles, railings are a great option to introduce metal in a space. Shiny or matt finished metal artefacts or showpieces also make for a quick, affordable investment. Metal partitions are also a sure shot way to indulge in the trend. It is a popular choice for residences, stores, offices and hospitality spaces.

When it comes to metal, the options are unlimited. Depending on the overall interior design – a few elements can be chosen in the material. Metal is a cold finish – in touch and in look. A healthy balance between warm matte surfaces like brick, wood, fabric and cold glossy (or matte) metal finishes looks best. Metal can also be combined with glass for a clean, crisp design. It may not be a wise idea to have more than four surfaces in the material as the space starts looking too impersonal and opaque. Here’s hoping this article brought you inspiration to take the metallic route in interior design!


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