What we teach you at Cinderbay to become a successful Fashion Designer.


What we teach you at Cinderbay to become a successful Fashion Designer: Pattern making and Apparel Construction is the blue print or mapping of the cuts and silhouettes that shape the garment, by hand, as well as, with the latest CAD techniques, that translates the art and craft of sewing into a finished garment.
Illustration is the rendering in clear precise figure sketch or flats to express creative ideas or to present suitable portfolio of designs based on themes, moods and storyboards, which ultimately become the language of communication in Fashion Design.
Elements of Design, Principles of Design, Colour, Garment Components, Different kinds of Fabrics and their Uses, Fabric Science, history of Costumes are taught in the first semester because it lays the very foundation for the makings of a Designer.
Advanced levels of Construction and design detail, trimmings and treatment, figure types to achieve perfect proportions and fittings.
All about Textiles, fiber to finished cloth, various traditional and contemporary fabrics, types of dyeing, printing, forms the backbone of the design development.
Embellishments like embroidery, beads and baubles to achieve surface textures and effects.
Referencing for sources of inspiration comes from subjects like appreciation of world costumes, works of contemporary fashion designers from 1800 to present day, where the student will hark back into the past to determine the future of fashion.
Contextual influences in Art and Design to understand the inter relationship between Art works and wider cultural contexts in order to gain information and present outcomes from contextual sources.
Fashion Grooming and Trending Hair, Make Up, Accessory, Footwear styles for the finishing touch.


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